Education and Leadership Development

UPLIFT Leadership Development Program

Talia seeks to create a new generation of women leaders who are economically independent and socially responsible. Participation in the leadership development program enables young women and girls to focus and reframe their thinking, transform their lives, take charge of their destiny and improve their communities. The major goal of the program is to equip young women with key skills to become competitive and relevant in the job market or in the entrepreneurship space. This is achieved through self-discovery, confidence building, communication skills, goal setting, critical thinking and financial literacy.

 Through the leadership development program, Talia:

  • Supports young women to develop the leadership skills and knowledge required to increase their participation in decision-making processes and to facilitate their leadership at institutional, community and national levels.
  • Increases the participation of young women in leadership, entrepreneurship and community development.
  • Creates a platform for women’s voices and promotes dialogue on menstrual health and hygiene; sexual health and reproductive rights; freedom from discrimination; freedom from violence and violations; and access to and control of resources.
  • Facilitates the effective dissemination of information on women’s empowerment, constitutional and policy issues.
  • Provides young women with the necessary skills to resist societal pressures and helps them develop greater self-esteem, self-mastery and self-confidence.

As the young women assume leadership roles of significance and influence, they are key to leading more sustainable enterprises, building stronger communities and creating a world with greater opportunities for all.

Together, we can bring the change we were called for. Join us on this remarkable journey and help in changing the lives of women and girls in Southern Africa.

Get Involved

Join Talia, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where womenunite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.